What about self-acceptance? The inteview with Gabrysia Bartosik.

I remember our first meeting. It was in 2021, as part of the Art in the Service of Spirit and Body (Sztuka w Służbie Życia i Ciała) series organised by the Art for Life Foundation (Fundacja Sztuka dla Życia)...

The fear of photographing strangers.

Imagine you see an interesting person in the street and you intuitively feel that it would be a beautiful portrait. Nothing easier – walk up, introduce yourself, ask if you can. If only it were that easy… Many photographers...

What about self-acceptance? The interview with Marta Stachowicz.

Hi Marta! We met this year (2024) in my Portrait Studio thanks to the Cykl w Służbie Ducha i Ciała (Art in the Service of Spirit and Body Cycle) organised by the Sztuka Dla Życia (Art for Life) Foundation...

Portrait photo shooting – how can you find the perfect photographer?

I work sometimes with clients who were disappointed with their cooperation with the previous photographer and were not satisfied with the result of the photo shoot. Photography is an absolutely democratic field, it can be practised...

Farewell to Tetenal, a thing about analogue photography.

When I have a few negatives to develop, I order the chemicals and work in the darkroom. To my surprise and disappointment when it turned out that I wasn’t able to order Tetenal black and white...

What about self-acceptance? Words.

In my previous text on self-acceptance (link) I focused on the asymmetry of the body, especially the face. I showed something that is completely natural, but arouses a lot of self-criticism in people. That text...