About communication, showcasing skills and motivation to take action. The interview with Edyta Kwiatkowska.

Hi Edyta, welcome to my blog! You’re involved in coaching, facilitation, leadership, and provide training for businesses. You are active on social media and regularly share your knowledge and experience. How do you...

What about self-acceptance? Asymmetry.

What are the most common words I hear when clients cross the door of my Portrait Studio? I am unphotogenic, I don’t like myself in photos, I hate photos. I meet on my way very interesting people...

Don’t be afraid of interviews!

Very often I hear from my artist friends how much stress they feel about any kind of appearance in front of an audience or the media. Interviews, radio programmes, Q&A meetings, exhibition openings. I admit that this used...

BLOG – kick off!

Being present in the blogosphere is not new to me. It feels more like a comeback than a completely new way. In the days before social media, I regularly kept a blog, which was a diary of my photographic...