About communication, showcasing skills and motivation to take action. The interview with Edyta Kwiatkowska.

Hi Edyta, welcome to my blog! You’re involved in coaching, facilitation, leadership, and provide training for businesses.
You are active on social media and regularly share your knowledge and experience. How do you find ideas for topics and motivation to be systematic in what you do?

Inspiration changes depending on the moment in my life. However, I try to respond to life and social situations on an ongoing basis, in addition to some general idea about my message. Not necessarily to what is already being created online. I feel that these days the only guarantee for successful publications is to share one’s own experiences combined with knowledge. If we try to fit in with the ever-changing trends, we will always remain mere reproducers. So if something touches my heart, a situation surprises me, a thought comes to me, I edit it into a social media post. This is a guarantee of healthy inspiration and unconventional posts. After all, no one lives the exact same life as us. However, most of us struggle with similar issues. This is why sharing your own perspective is valuable to the reader.

It is quite easy for social media to teach systematicity by cutting off coverage regularly, so if I want my influence to reach more than 10 audiences, I need to be consistent. A good method is, of course, to write down your own thoughts. I have an inbox where I write to myself and from these most thought-provoking days, I can then create more and more posts.

My day-to-day work is as a leadership and communication coach, and I also work extensively in the areas of coaching and facilitation, but I do not limit my communication to these areas only. Social action for inclusiveness or youth advocacy activities also touch my heart, so automatically situations related to these issues become inspiration for thoughts, and these for further publications.

How do you make communication effective? What do you put emphasis on?

I think with images so I can’t imagine my communications not being supported by them. Usually, when I am trying to get across a message, the entry is accompanied by the most relevant image. Often it is some kind of graphics, which I more or less successfully produce myself when I have the time, because although it is not my area of talent, sometimes it is definitely my form of relaxation. The message of our thoughts should be clear. I always read half-heartedly what I have already written and want to publish. Whenever I failed to do this before, the entry has not been digestible. If something can’t be read with lightness, we will lose the reader before we get to the most important thoughts in our statement.

However, I consider authenticity to be the essential thing. To realise this, of course, I sometimes have to tap into the resources of my own courage, but nothing is as convincing as the truth.

We have worked together several times, both in my Portrait Studio (neutral background, minimalism) and in your office (space and context of the place), sessions co-created with your partner Ola Goc. How have these photographs worked for you over the past few months?

Going into our office to shoot had a completely different purpose than when we went into the studio. The beautiful thing is, in collaboration with you, you can tell the kind of story that these photos are meant to convey and then, these photos are the pillar that supports the statement. When I felt there was a breakthrough, I immediately made an appointment for a new portrait shoot and talked about how I see myself in this change. I know that the timeliness of photography is of paramount importance, but I also like photos behind which I feel there is a story, something more than just a pretty picture, for the media.

Photos from our early 2023 shoot have appeared in previews for podcasts, conferences, interviews and many publications until I finally felt it was time for something new and that those would slowly be moved into the category of memories. This is an area where I don’t like austerity because we judge everything first by its appearance, whether someone likes it or not. So my photos, it’s me, my work, my company, my competence – they have to be good!

What would be your advice to those who, while having a wealth of experience, numerous talents and knowledge, manifest difficulties in communicating their skills and presenting themselves to a wider audience?

Come out of the wardrobe. ‘Sit in a corner and they’ll find you’ is not applicable in this day and age. If someone has been gifted, has a talent, then in my opinion they should share it with the world. If we don’t go out to other people, we rob them of the opportunity to benefit from our knowledge. If someone has a desire to be discovered after death, then of course, staying at home with the talent is the best possible solution. However, if it is a talent that reveals itself in speech, for example, then we won’t be able to do much after death, and I don’t want to have the inscription on my tombstone, she had talent but lacked courage and self-belief because she waited for better days. There are so many great opportunities! Coaching, mentoring, training, therapies, YouTube, books – you can work through your fears. Fear is not a good reason to give up on your dreams.

What is most important to you in your professional life? What drives you?

I have to do what makes me happy – most of the time. Truth is the greatest value. If I feel real in what I do I don’t sell, and they buy. If I have joy in what I do, interacting with me is a pleasure for others. When I dare to communicate authentically with my clients at work, what I say becomes a breakthrough for them and for me. Authenticity, fun and consistency in action. When any of the factors are missing, I immediately feel some incoherence and have the urge to change. I fulfil my goals, I don’t think about retirement, I just think about how much I can do with the hope that I can do it for as long as possible. My energy is other people, in the right dose and proportion to silence and music of course.

Thank you for the talk.

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