The fear of photographing strangers.

Imagine you see an interesting person in the street and you intuitively feel that it would be a beautiful portrait. Nothing easier – walk up, introduce yourself, ask if you can. If only it were that easy… Many photographers have a big problem with

When I have a few negatives to develop, I order the chemicals and work in the darkroom. To my surprise and disappointment when it turned out that I wasn’t able to order Tetenal black and white emulsion…. this company has stopped producing it. Despite the changing times, analogue photography

What are the most common words I hear when clients cross the door of my Portrait Studio? I am unphotogenic, I don’t like myself in photos, I hate photos. I meet on my way very interesting people, original, unique, extremely attractive, ambitious and doing great things in their professionals, but unfortunately

Very often I hear from my artist friends how much stress they feel about any kind of appearance in front of an audience or the media. Interviews, radio programmes, Q&A meetings, exhibition openings. I admit that this used to stress me out too. Now I recognise this as a regular

Being present in the blogosphere is not new to me. It feels more like a comeback than a completely new way. In the days before social media, I regularly kept a blog, which was a diary of my photographic activities. I ran it between 2009 and 2015, then moved, like