sesja portretowa wizerunkowa biznesowa Katowice Śląsk Studio Portretowe Joanna Nowicka marka osobista sesje fotograficzne Szczepan Twardoch

Story of One Photo – a portrait of Szczepan Twardoch.

It is 2018 and Martin Fejer from the Est&Ost press agency writes to me and commissions me to take portraits of Szczepan Twardoch. The photos gonna be used as illustrations for an interview in the German newspaper Die Tageszeitung, on the occasion of the publication in Germany of the

zdjęcia z wakacji telefonem fotografia mobilna Katowice Śląsk Studio Portretowe Joanna Nowicka sesje fotograficzne

In the years when I worked as a photojournalist, I took all the equipment I was using at the time everywhere – my camera plus a couple of lenses packed in a sizable bag. Too hard… I remember holidays in Greece where I was carrying this heavy equipment with me everywhere. I took pictures of the

Imagine you see an interesting person in the street and you intuitively feel that it would be a beautiful portrait. Nothing easier – walk up, introduce yourself, ask if you can. If only it were that easy… Many photographers have a big problem with

When I have a few negatives to develop, I order the chemicals and work in the darkroom. To my surprise and disappointment when it turned out that I wasn’t able to order Tetenal black and white emulsion…. this company has stopped producing it. Despite the changing times, analogue photography

What are the most common words I hear when clients cross the door of my Portrait Studio? I am unphotogenic, I don’t like myself in photos, I hate photos. I meet on my way very interesting people, original, unique, extremely attractive, ambitious and doing great things in their professionals, but unfortunately

Very often I hear from my artist friends how much stress they feel about any kind of appearance in front of an audience or the media. Interviews, radio programmes, Q&A meetings, exhibition openings. I admit that this used to stress me out too. Now I recognise this as a regular

Being present in the blogosphere is not new to me. It feels more like a comeback than a completely new way. In the days before social media, I regularly kept a blog, which was a diary of my photographic activities. I ran it between 2009 and 2015, then moved, like