Business portrait shooting – how can you find the perfect photographer?

I work sometimes with clients who were disappointed with their cooperation with the previous photographer and were not satisfied with the result of the photo shoot.

Photography is an absolutely democratic field, it can be practised by anyone and at any level of commitment – occasionally, as a hobby or professionally. You don’t need any school or certificate of qualification to practice this profession. In fact, everyone takes photographs.
So, how can you find the perfect photographer to work with?

Most often clients come to me through recommendations. They already know who I am and what I do. Nevertheless, I make sure they have seen my portfolio.
I work in a certain style and convention. This doesn’t mean that I can’t shoot differently, it just means that my style is what I do best. If you see my portraits and you like them and you know that it is something you want, the chances of me meeting your expectations increase.

You don’t have to know anything about photography of course, the like/dislike category is already a good start. The reception of photography is always correlated with our sense of aesthetics and taste, so the chances of you being satisfied with the result are bigger if you simply like the photographer’s work.
But it’s definitely worth checking a few things before you order a photo shoot.

Creating my brand and running my photography business professionally, I take care of my development, high quality of photographs, professional cooperation with clients. This is the sum of experience gathered over a dozen years of practice.
So check the experience of the photographer you want to cooperate with, how long he/she has been on the business.
Of course, everyone started out once and you can’t build up professional experience any other way than through practice. It’s a known fact. But it’s just good to know that you are entering a cooperation with someone who has had a few assignments in a particular field, not a few hundred.

My first years in the profession I worked as a photojournalist. Since then I have covered a great variety of subjects, so I feel I could shoot in many areas of photography. However, I am a fan of specialisation.
Investing in the specific photographic equipment, improving skills, gaining experience by concentrating on a narrower branch of photography all mean that over time a photographer is seen as a specialist in his/her field.

So if you want to do a photo shoot of your products, find a photographer who specialises in product photography. He or she will be able to manage photographing, for example, shiny, reflective objects, and will have ideas and materials for arranging the scenery. A portrait photographer, on the other hand, in addition to technical skills related to, for example, studio lighting, should also have interpersonal skills – be able to create a friendly atmosphere and good relationships as these skills will affect your comfort on set.
Each field of photography requires to put accents in a different area, so choosing a specialisation is conducive to the pursuit of mastery.

And finally, it is a good idea to talk to the photographer first, either by phone or in person. A good relationship is important. If you feel that you understand each other well, the conversation is productive and the collaboration will deliver what you expect you can proceed to discuss the details.

Conclusion: portfolio, experience, photographer’s specialisation and good energy between you and photographer – pay attention to these elements before you decide for a photo shoot.

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