BLOG – kick off!

Being present in the blogosphere is not new to me. It feels more like a comeback than a completely new way.
In the days before social media, I regularly kept a blog, which was a diary of my photographic activities.
I ran it between 2009 and 2015, then moved, like most everybody, into the social media space.

So why the return? First of all, this is totally my space. I like visual consistency, elegance and here, on my site, I can express that as I feel. As long as I want to share my photography in the online space, I can create it here for myself and for you. How social media will transform, no one knows and no one can influence that.

Secondly, I can publish topics here with categories, which can help you easily find and return to the topics you want to read. This gives a certain continuity and a sense that this work will be useful to someone for longer than just the moment it is displayed on the ‘board’.

And the topics? What will make the current blog different from the prehistoric one is the preponderance of text rather than photography. There are a few areas that interest me and I know they might be interesting to you too. I get a lot of various questions about my photography business and art, and these are valuable tips on what the blog should be about.

My journey of over 22 years with photography, including 17 years as a professional photographer, is quite a package of experiences. So there will be topics here aimed at passionate photographers or beginner professionals, so that you can work more efficiently, easily and confidently.

I specialise in a personal branding and business photography, so the subject of the value of the image in personal branding occupies me a lot. When preparing portrait sessions for my clients, I always consider the wider context of their professional activities, the portrait is one of tools, not the only one. So if you’re building your personal brand, you’ll find some interesting threads here.

And finally, something that is close to my heart. I like the people I portray to feel comfortable, safe and take pleasure while shooting. So how can you look at yourself with a gentle eye and prepare for a session so it doesn’t come from a position of being forced, discomfort and criticism? I am working on this topic during my author’s workshops, but you will also be able to find answers to some questions here.

I’m linking to my old blog in the last sentence, you might want to have a look (only in Polish, sorry) – HERE.


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